
Collection of BXTAccelyon accessories

Pre-plugged Needles

Brachytherapy needles developed to streamline seed loading process. The needles have a silicon coating for ease of insertion and have a polished inside diameter for smooth seed deployment. The needle tips are echo enhanced for ultrasound visualization and electropolished for superior sharpness. Round and square hub needles have foil hub markers to indicate the bevel tip orientation and centimeter markings for depth placement. Custom colours, sizes, and configurations are available.

Brachytherapy Needles

Brachytherapy needles were developed to streamline seed loading process. The needles have a silicon coating for ease of insertion and have a polished inside diameter for smooth seed deployment. The needle tips are echo enhanced for ultrasound visualization and electropolished for superior sharpness. Round and square hub needles have foil hub markers to indicate the bevel tip orientation and centimeter markings for depth placement. Custom colours, sizes, and configurations are available.

Cutting Block

Cutting Block

Exclusive strand cutting device for the precise cutting and loading of stranded seeds into brachytherapy needles.  Allows custom cutting within an easy to use radioprotective loading assembly. Autoclavable. 


IsoLoader image

The IsoLoader is a flexible, quick and convenient intra-operative solution to creating high quality strands within the operating room.

  • Simple to use, quality engineered device enables customised strands to be built in real time with a sterile environment
  • Unique technology encapsulates the seeds securely within the strand to prevent separation after implantation
  • Strands can be loaded directly into pre-plugged and Plug-Free needles, or into transfer tubes and after-loaded
  • Stranded and variable load seed/spacer combinations possible, ideal for central needle loads.

View the IsoLoader video


The drape provides a protective barrier for AccuCARE™ products including the AccuCARE stabilizers and steppers during implant procedures. This sterile, single-use drape applies easily to achieve a broad sterile field for implantation after setup, saving on cleanup and prep time. The clear material allows for easy identification and manipulation of AccuCARE instruments.



Disposable template grids are for use during brachytherapy and  biopsy mapping of the prostate procedure. Template grids consist of rows and columns of holes spaced 5mm apart, providing accurate placement of radioactive seeds in predefined areas of the prostate.

LDR Brachytherapy Grid


Balloon for LDR Brachytherapy

The Endocavity Balloon was designed to provide a snug fit to endocavity transducers, providing a small insertion profile to minimize patient discomfort. The balloon features adjustable inflation control to maximize user control over prostate shape and height, speed set-up and allow gland positioning to an optimal focal length to enhance the ultrasound image.

Gold Fiducial Markers

Gold Fiducial Markers are now available to order with BXTA.They are supplied in a Square Hub Gold Marker Kit and are available in various sizes and in packs of 10 kits. Kits are available in 3 needles and 3 markers or 1 needle and 1 marker sizes. Other sizes and kits are available upon request.

  • Electropolished for sharpness
  • Siliconized for easy insertion
  • Mirror polished I.D. for a smooth, easy seed deployment
  • Echo-enhanced tipped for ultrasound visualization
  • Centimetre markings for depth placement
  • Rounded stylet for smooth gold marker delivery
  • Foil marker to indicate bevel tip orientation


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Unique e-commerce platform providing online ordering, convenient data management and automated seed calculation and order generation. An intuitive and easy-to-use interface, webBXT offers BXTA
customers the opportunity to transform seed ordering and optimise resources.

Read more about webBXT

Visit the webBXT website

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