About BXTA
At BXTA we are passionate about prostate cancer care. We believe that all men and their families, who are concerned they might be showing symptoms of prostate cancer, deserve access to the best possible support and care – from diagnosis to treatment.

We are advocates of ongoing training and education for our healthcare professionals supporting patients through their prostate cancer pathway – from nurses, junior doctors, registrars, radiologists, oncologists and urologists – to ensure patients receive the best possible outcomes.
BXTA is one of the leading partners to hospitals and clinics worldwide in providing brachytherapy to treat prostate cancer.
Brachytherapy is a proven effective and minimally invasive prostate cancer therapy with significant quality of life benefits over alternative treatments. [1-3]
BXTA understands that offering prostate cancer patients brachytherapy depends on physicians having access to high quality products delivered with expertise and reliability. We bring a new focus and unrivalled commitment to brachytherapy – and an established, world-class service.
Reliable, efficient service:
BXTA understands how the supply of the correct product prescription is time-critical in brachytherapy. Our team does everything in their power to provide the best possible service and is always conscious of the importance of what they do. After all, ensuring a patient has LDR-B treatment on time could save their life. Our supply chain system is guaranteed to deliver to the highest standards of quality and reliability to our partners in 13 countries around the globe. Find out more about our services here.
BXTA is proud to be the global distributor for PrecisionPoint™, a prostate biopsy device that bypasses the need for the risky transrectal (TRUS) prostate cancer biopsy that many hospitals and clinics are phasing out.
Alongside professional bodies including the British Association of Urological Surgeons, The Royal Society of Medicine, Prostate Cancer UK, The British Association of Urological Nurses and many others, BXTA is supporting the UK national ‘TRexit’ initiative, a campaign that aims for the NHS to become the first Health Care System in the world to not only offer pre-biopsy MRI but to also abandon the transrectal (or transfaecal) biopsy.

Since 2019, BXTA has been the global distributor for the new online prostate MRI self-learning platform, MRI PRO.
With high-level evidence [4,5,6,7] now confirming prostate MRI’s place in the diagnostic process of prostate cancer detection internationally, we are proud to support growing numbers of healthcare professionals experienced in interpreting and accurate reporting of MRI scans.

1. Grimm P et al. BJU International 2012; 109, supplement 1: 22-29
2. Malcolm JB et al. Journal of Urology 2010; 183: 1822-29
3. Chen RC et al. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 3916-22
4. https://prostatecanceruk.org/about-us/projects-and-policies/mpmri
5. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131/chapter/Recommendations
6. https://uroweb.org/guideline/prostate-cancer/
7. https://www.auanet.org/guidelines/mri-of-the-prostate-sop