Prostate Cancer won’t wait for the pandemic to end
With the NHS declaring itself “open for business”, now is the time for any man who fears they might be displaying symptoms of potential prostate cancer to step forward. Increasing numbers of ‘COVID-free’ hospitals are being opened up, to provide essential care for those patients who may not have sought help, or whose care may have been delayed, during the lockdown phase.
Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed male cancer in the UK, with more than 47,500 diagnoses every year. Early diagnosis is so important in giving men choice over their treatment options and improving health outcomes.
In addition, in many cases, men referred for suspected prostate cancer can now have a key step in the process – the prostate biopsy – done in a convenient safer outpatient setting under local anaesthetic (LA TP), which is a far safer environment and technique than traditional TRUS (transrectal needle) biopsies.
Men showing signs such as the need to urinate more frequently; weak or interrupted flow of urine; pain or burning during urination; persistent pain in the lower back, ribs or pelvis; and difficulty getting an erection must be encouraged to go to their GP and get a PSA test.
We must act now to mitigate the potential knock-on effects of COVID-19 on the overall health of the population.
Saheed Rashid – Managing Director