BXTAccelyon ganha prémio MedTech Breakthrough 2020

BXTAccelyon wins 2020 MedTech Breakthrough Award
BXTAccelyon, the leading low dose rate brachytherapy partner to hospitals and clinics worldwide, and distribution partner for the PrecisionPoint™ freehand prostate biopsy system, is pleased to announce that MedTech Breakthrough has selected the PrecisionPoint Transperineal Access System™ as the ‘Best New Technology Solution – Biopsy’ in their 2020 Awards Program.
The ‘Best New Technology Solution – Biopsy’ award, under the Medical Device category, recognises this new advanced biopsy technique which enables ground-breaking free-hand local anaesthetic transperineal (LA TP) targeted and systematic biopsies.
PrecisionPoint allows a comprehensive, systematic TP biopsy to be carried out under local anaesthetic for safer, more accurate biopsies. A major advantage of the technique is that it does not need to be carried out by doctors or surgeons – it can be conducted by nurses in outpatient settings. As such, the scalability of LA TP with PrecisionPoint presents an opportunity to put clinical nurse specialists at the forefront of clinical practice to add significant value to a cancer pathway that is under increasing demand.
The combination of reduced incidence of sepsis, more accurate diagnosis, the ability to use existing resources and having prostate biopsy now able to be performed in an outpatient setting by clinical nurse specialists, therefore makes this a breakthrough in its field.
“BXTAccelyon is honoured to receive the MedTech Break Through Award for Best New Technology Solution – Biopsy for PrecisionPoint, ” said Saheed Rashid, Managing Director of BXTAccelyon. “LA TP biopsies represent a safer and more accurate method to detect potential cancer cells at an earlier stage of progression, with lower costs and fewer side effects and enable a step change in the prostate cancer pathway.”
He continues: “We are thankful for the support we have from some of the UK’s leading prostate cancer specialists, who collectively are spearheading the national ‘TRexit’ initiative. With a training programme that is supported by the British Association of Urological Nurses and Prostate Cancer UK, TRexit aims to fully eliminate the traditional TRUS biopsy from the NHS prostate cancer pathway by 2022.”
MedTech Breakthrough Awards recognise the top companies, people, platforms and products in the health, fitness and medical technology industries today. MedTech Breakthrough is part of the Tech Breakthrough organisation, a leading market intelligence and recognition platform for technology leadership and innovation in today’s most competitive categories of technology.